
Trustworthy Solutions for All Sales Teams
SOC2 compliance badge

SOC 2 Compliant

Ascent Cloud utilizes enterprise-grade best practices to protect our customers’ data, and works with independent experts to verify its security, privacy, and compliance controls, and has achieved SOC 2 report against stringent standards. Click here to request a copy of our SOC 2 compliance report.

This is an important milestone but is in no way an end to our commitment to our customers and the security of their data. Ascent Cloud views security as the foundation upon which our products are built and upon which trust with our customers is earned and maintained.

Fortune 100

Fortune 100 Trusted

The Fortune 100 comprises the top 100 companies in the broader Fortune 500 list, and is composed by Fortune magazine every year to include the top revenue-generating public and private companies within the United States. It provides an authoritative list of the US’s most stable companies. Ascent Cloud works with many of these top companies because we continue to earn their trust in our comprehensive security measures.

Native to Salesforce (LevelEleven & Geopointe)

Salesforce apps are considered 100% native if they are built entirely on the Lightning Platform, the same platform that Salesforce’s core technology stack is built on. The primary benefits of being native to Salesforce are the accuracy & speed of data processing, mitigation of the risk of data loss (because with very limited exceptions customer data is processed and remains in their Salesforce environment), and overall security assurance. Truly native Salesforce apps leverage the data security of the Salesforce platform so there is no need to worry about data being processed anywhere outside Salesforce.

Salesforce boasts dozens of data security certifications globally.
These include (but are not limited to):

  • Department of Defense IL-2 & IL-4
  • EU/US Privacy Shield
  • ISO 27001/27017/27018
  • Payment Card Industry (PCI)
  • Cloud Computing Compliance Controls Catalog (C5)
  • Native apps are covered by most application security controls that these certifications require

Data Protection Policy

Ascent Cloud takes the confidentiality and integrity of our customers’ data very seriously and strives to ensure data is protected from unauthorized access and is available when needed. We host on Amazon Web Services in the US East region by default. Data is replicated across multiple zones for redundancy and disaster recovery.

Disaster Recovery Plan

There are many potential disruptive threats which can occur at any time and impact the normal business process. We have considered a wide range of potential threats, as well as many potential environmental disasters and emergency situations. We have tested and are prepared to launch a three-phase process to maximize your access to our solutions.

Information Security Policy

We have the right pieces and parts in place so we can be there for you, no matter what. Our policy establishes procedures to ensure that Ascent Cloud and its systems can recover as quickly as possible following a disruption.

Data Retention Policy

It is the policy of Ascent Cloud that information in all its forms (written, spoken, recorded electronically, or printed) will be protected from accidental or intentional unauthorized modification, destruction, or disclosure throughout its life cycle. This protection includes an appropriate level of security over the equipment and software used to process, store, and transmit that information.