Sales Performance Management
for Sales Leadership

Ascent Cloud’s solutions help sales executives and managers put their data into context, making it easily digestible and actionable through visualization. Plan for the future with territory design and planning capabilities, and develop an efficient strategy to enhance your sales team’s performance.

Our solutions give you a clear-cut view to quickly identify problem areas and take action. If your team gets off track, know in real-time and address the problem with coaching and motivation. If your sales territory assignments are imbalanced, restructure them with an easy to use shape editing tool.

Solutions like Geopointe give you the ability to design territories for optimal coverage, streamline updates with mass edits within the map, and automate assignments & actions based upon geography. Add in LevelEleven’s powerful Manager and Executive Scorecards and Conversion Insights, and you have all you need to empower your sales team.


Executive Scorecard

Executive Scorecard leverages real-time data from LevelEleven and Salesforce to help senior leaders quickly understand current and historical team performance, compare teams to identify areas that need improvement, and make informed decisions to drive your company forward.

Multi-Use Calendar Scheduling

As the manager of a sales team, you can easily keep track of your reps’ schedules without micromanaging and fill in gaps with priority accounts based on who has availability. Calendar-Based Scheduling allows you to access multiple users’ calendars for the day or week so you can instantly find and fill gaps in reps’ schedules.

Conversion Insights

Conversion Insights help leaders build strategies and reveal where the team should be investing their time & effort. Supported by these forecasted metrics & data, sales leaders will know how their team’s performance will be affected by changes, before they happen.

Let us show you how Ascent Cloud solutions can benefit your Sales Leadership