Shoptech manufactures results
with Geopointe.

“We use Geopointe to name drop current customers in a prospect’s area while we have that prospect on the phone – call conversions are up 50%.”

Greg Ehemann, Vice President of Sales, Shoptech

The Challenges
  • With Shoptech growing steadily at 20% over the past decade, the company needed a way to geo-visualize its customers and prospects.
  • Specifically, Shoptech’s sales team wanted an easy solution for mapping, routing, and territory management.
  • And the marketing team wondered if they couldn’t piggyback to use geo-location for lead generation and event planning.
Why Geopointe
  • Since its primary need was geo-mapping, Shoptech actually chose Salesforce because of its Geopointe connection.
  • Geopointe appealed to nearly every department in the company, from sales and marketing to customer support, professional services, and finance.
  • Ease of use and price point also played into the decision to implement.
The Results
  • Shoptech reps use mapping to call prospects; they “name drop” happy customers within a set radius, which has helped increase call conversions by 50%. That customer list is also exported to email for quick follow-up notes.
  • Geopointe has become instrumental for target marketing; Outside Sales can search hot leads in Salesforce to plan trips, and routing functionality allows for pop-in visits and cluster selling.
  • Shoptech’s services group has even lowered the T&E costs they pass onto their customers by using Geopointe to plan site visits by area, spreading out the expenses.


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